Hightower Falls Group Facility
Company Name: Hightower Falls Group Facility
Status: Active
State: Georgia
Post: 30125-5953
County: Polk
City: Cedartown
Address: 771 Hightower Falls Road
Phone: (770)748-8588
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact President: Carol Crook
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 729905 Industry group: Personal Services, Business category: Miscellaneous personal services nec, Subcategory: Fashion consultants
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Unavailable
Overall: Hightower Falls Group Facility is a business categorized under miscellaneous personal services nec, which is part of the larger category personal services. Hightower Falls Group Facility is located at the address 771 Hightower Falls Road in Cedartown, Georgia 30125-5953. The President is Carol Crook who can be contacted at (770)748-8588.
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