53rd Street Salon
Company Name: 53rd Street Salon
Status: Active
State: Georgia
Post: 30534-0000
County: Dawson
City: Dawsonville
Address: 231 Nix Bridge Road
Phone: (706)216-4428
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 723106 Industry group: Personal Services, Business category: Beauty shops, Subcategory: Beauty salons
Employees: 2
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 78,000
Overall: 53rd Street Salon is a business categorized under beauty shops, which is part of the larger category personal services. 53rd Street Salon is located at the address 231 Nix Bridge Road in Dawsonville, Georgia 30534-0000. You can contact by phone (706)216-4428.
- Beauty salon
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Name: D.T.
Message: First time for my husband and I and it was a relaxing enjoyable experience. We both had a cut and were very satisfied and will definitely be seeing Sandy much more often in the future.
Name: B.P.
Message: Love Sandy and her dog.